
Build confidence. Equip for middle school. Have a TON of fun.

Bearings consists of 3 days, 2 nights of leadership education, practice, and reflection in the areas of Community, Service, Relationships, Interpersonal Development, Gratitude, healthy lifestyles, stress, brain chemicals and more. We do this all while have a whole lot of fun, laughing, meeting new friends and creating lifelong memories on our 40 acre property!

Campers can expect

  • Fishing

  • Kayaking

  • Axe Throwing

  • Pool Time

  • Games (rumor is we play an epic game of sardines)

  • Community Service with our Lunch Program in the summer

  • Setting Goals

  • Feeling equipped and confident about the year to come

Upcoming Bearings dates:

Weekend dates coming soon!

Book a private Bearings for your group

This is perfect for schools, communities, or groups who agree their junior-high aged students would benefit from a refresh!


(402) 694 3934


Frequently asked questions

We have our own jr. high group. Can we do a private Bearings?

Yes! The Leadership Center in Aurora, NE is a full service conference and retreat center, we excel in customization and are happy to design a camp for your group with as little to as much involvement of our D4LC staff.

We are also able to meet you at your camp site for breakout sessions, workshops, and activities

How much does it cost?

Bearings is $200/camper in our standard summer camp experiences. Private Bearings are quoted based on your groups needs.